Onit Catalyst
Rate Benchmarking
Competitive legal rates start here. Meet your new Onit Catalyst Rate Benchmarking solution from the market leader in legal service benchmarks.
Accurate and Relevant
Our AI creates the most accurate market benchmarks available tailored specifically to your department.
Get a comprehensive view of how your firms stack up against each other and the market across your selected practice area.
Named Timekeeper Benchmarks
Every team has its star player, and they’re worth every penny. But what about those utility players?
Breeze through rate review with named timekeeper benchmarks, comparing them against others at their firm, your panel, and — of course — against the market at large.
Impact Analysis
Benchmark impact analysis tells you exactly how much you would have saved if your rates were more market-appropriate — overall and at the timekeeper level.
“If I had paid market-appropriate rates, how would that have impacted my overall spend?”
— Every GC Ever
Battle-tested AI
Rate Benchmarking uses AI to categorize all your matters into Smart Practice Areas, giving us the apples-to-apples foundation for making meaningful comparisons.
Our seasoned firm similarity model analyzes 70+ factors to create the most relevant comparison sets, ensuring you only compare your firms’ rates against similar firms doing similar work.
Learn how Onit can make your legal operations smarter
With quick-start implementation, you can optimize your spend faster than ever.